The evolution of autogenic psychotherapy in Spain

Autor/autores: Luis de Rivera
Fecha Publicación: 03/12/2013
Área temática: Psiquiatría general .
Tipo de trabajo: 


It is difficult to understand the development of autogenic training in Spain without realizing how devastated Spanish Psychiatry was after the Civil War. Most of its prominent practitioners were forced into exile. Mira-Lopez, the inventor of the myokinetic test, went to England. Angel Garma went to Argentina, where he soon became the president of Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association. Miguel Prados went to Canada, were he co-founded McGill University Psychiatry Department. Tosquelles went to France, were he was soon the director of a most progresist psychiatric hospital. De Ajuriaguerra became University Professor and the Chairman of Genève´s celebrated Psychiatric Services... Spanish Psychiatry became stagnant for decades, but Spain´s loss became the World´s gain. When Schultz´s Autogenes Training was first translated into Spanish in 1954 (1), there were few high ranking professionals available to take the lead.


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