The Birth of Autogenic Training

Autor/autores: Heinrich Wallnöffer
Fecha Publicación: 31/03/2017
Área temática: Psicología general , Tratamientos .
Tipo de trabajo:  Artículo original
Autogenics Research


The last living direct disciple of Johannes Heinrich Schultz gives a first-hand account of the birth and early development of Autogenic Training, recalling interesting anecdotes from his teacher. The initial aim to introduce the trainee to the experience of calmness has been misinterpreted in some quarters as if the method were just “tranquillity or relaxation exercises”.  The experience of tranquillity/peace when practising autogenic training is generated in the first place via relaxation of the muscles (and the signals of the muscles to the brainstem) and this would easily lead to the perception of the inner workings of the mind, in the words of Schultz, an “experiential evidence of redemptive character”.

Palabras clave: Autogenic Training. Psychotherapy. Relaxation. Suggestion. Psychoanalysis. Mindfulness

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Un uomo appassionato della vita come della ricerca scientifica e divulgativa, un grande che ha dato esempio a me come tanti altri appassionati del t.a. grazie Maestro!

luciano palladino
Psicólogo - Italia
Fecha: 09/11/2018

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