The application of Autogenic Training for children in the UK

Autor/autores: Dr Lucy O’Hagan , Oliver Klott
Fecha Publicación: 24/03/2017
Área temática: Psicología general , Tratamientos .
Tipo de trabajo:  Comunicación
Medical Doctor – GP in UK, MBBS, BSc in Neuroscience, MRCGP, Diploma in Autogenic Training, Foundation in Western Medical Acupuncture, course tutor for the British Autogenic Society, ISATAP board member.


II World Congress
International Society of Autogenic Training & Psychotherapy

September 12, 2015, Alfredo Kraus Auditorium
Las Palmas Canary Islands, Spain


In England, meditative approaches are increasingly used in education, mainly as a preventive measure. The meditative selfhelp technique Autogenic Training is part of this trend and also used in the treatment of psychosomatic difficulties and mental health problems. Dr Lucy O'Hagan and Oliver Klott have both successfully worked with children under 16 in different educational settings.


Dr Lucy O’Hagan is a GP in the National Health Service in Somerset, UK, and prior to this she specialized in paediatrics, gaining MRCPCH. She also works privately as an Autogenic Therapist with children and adults, specializing in teenagers with anxiety. She has special expertise with children and young people suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

She is currently organising a programme of preventative mental health for teenagers aged 13-16 years of age. This presentation explores the benefits of children learning Autogenic Training both as a treatment modality and as primary prevention of both mental and physical disease.

Oliver Klott works as a Deputy Team Leader, Supervisor and Autogenic Therapist for the The Mulberry Bush Organisation, a therapeutic community and therapeutic residential school for primary aged children with severe emotional and behavioural difficulties. Autogenic Training is increasingly becoming part of the culture at this highly regarded therapeutic community near Oxford.

The presentation aims to explore the experience of both practitioners, benefits of Autogenic Training in the work with children and adolescents, case examples (e.g. child with Tourette’s Syndrome), and the application of Autogenic Training and the additional Intentional Offloading Exercises (introduced by Wolfgang Luthe).

Results and conclusion:
Autogenic Training is an effective meditative selfhelp technique for children and adolescents (prevention and therapy).
Autogenic Training can be part of the culture in education and therapeutic communities.
The application of Autogenic Training can help children with behavioural and emotional difficulties.
Autogenic Training supports wellbeing and mental health.
Intentional Offloading Exercises are part of the Autogenic Training course in the UK and offer additional benefits.

Palabras clave: Autogenic Training


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