Functional and symptomatic improvement in adults with ADHD ? Data from the open-label extension of the LAMDA trial.

Autor/autores: J. van Oene
Fecha Publicación: 01/01/2010
Área temática: TDAH - Hiperactividad .
Tipo de trabajo: 


Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neuro-psychiatric disorder affecting around 4.4 % of the adult population. In adults, ADHD impairs multiple aspects of functioning, such as interpersonal
relationships, academic performance and occupational status. Moreover, it increases the risk of motor vehicle accidents,
co-morbid substance abuse, and legal conflicts2. Commonly, symptom reduction as measured by Conners? adult ADHD rating scale
(CAARS) or adult ADHD investigator symptom rating scale (AISRS) are reported as efficacy outcomes in clinical trials, but the relationship between functional and symptomatic outcomes remains unclear.
Therefore.a post-hoc analysis of the 7-week open-label (OL) extension of a 5-week double blind (DB), fixed-dose, placebo-controlled trial of osmotic-controlled release oral system methylphenidate(OROS MPH) in adult subjects with ADHD was performed to explore he relationship between functional and symptomatic outcomes.

Palabras clave: TDAH


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