[ABSTRACT]The sexual education is a necessity in our society because she/he has among its objetivos to qualify the man so that in its relationships with the other sex can enjoy the most human values and create the good material and spiritual conditions for the invigoration of the most legitimate feelings of love, respect and solidarity that has more than enough the base of full equality should exist among its members, for it is necessary to determine that degree of knowledge and sexual information have our youths and adolescents among 15-17 years belonging to a school of half superior level. The sample was integrated by 250 adolescents that voluntarily decided to participate in the investigation, to wich was carried out and interview on the part of the doctor under conditions of privacy, on some topics of sexuality. It prevailed the masculine sex, single marital status and the tenth degree like school level. All the adolescents had received sexual information whose fundamental source was the school, it exists faulty conmunication parents and children for the lack of trust in the same ones. The cognitive level on the illnesses of sexual transmission and their prevention is good, although one of each 9 adolescents has suffered one of this illnesses. The precocity prevails in the age of realization of the firts coitus.
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