[ABSTRACT] Work stress appears when there is an imbalance between the employee, the job and the company.Although this problem has always affected a lot of workers, in the last decades more attention has been paid to it, differenciating two kinds of work stress. The chronic work stress- so-called burnout- and the work hound, better known as mobbing. According to the Third Survey of the European Foundation for the Improvement of the Life and Work Conditions, 9% of the workers are affected by some kind of working stress, and the cost of this problem could be estimated in 20.000 millions euros per year. When we planned this research our aim was to determine the incidence and the features of the patients who consult because of work stress. The data were obtained by revising the histories of the patients who came for the first time to the Mental Health
Centre "Puente de Vallecas" during the months of December-02, January-03 and February-03. At the end, from 508 demands, 242 were of active population over 18 years old, and from them all, 33 people consulted for some case of work stress as their main problem, what turned out to be a 13,6% from the demanding active people. The lack of tackling this problem on time and of suitable assistency from the company, makes that the demands fall to the Public Health, whose professionals, generally speaking, have a lack of education about Medicine and Working Psychology, and as a result, give not very specific answers to the problem.El estrés laboral aparece cuando se presenta un desajuste entre el trabajador, el puesto de trabajo y la propia organización.
Aunque este problema ha afectado siempre a muchos trabajadores, en las últimas décadas se ha comenzado a prestar mucha atención a dos formas de estrés laboral. El estrés laboral crónico denominado <
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