Psychosocial functioning in patients with personality disorders: a reiew of the evidence-based research studies literature.

Autor/autores: José Guimón
Fecha Publicación: 01/07/2008
Área temática: Personalidad, Trastornos de la Personalidad .
Tipo de trabajo: 


[ABSTRACT] Evidence based practice is a complex aim to achieve in the area of Psychiatry, and even more complex, when aspiring to explain personality disorders, theoretical constructs that in themselves are fully vague, and that have always been a source of confusion and debate between mental health professionals. This confusion, as much as anything, justifies the need to empirically back the areas of treatment that can be supported by evidence, without disregarding the unique elements of clinical practice such as the professional?s own experience, and the patient?s preferences and values. The authors offere a brief revision of the most relevant literature regarding psychosocial dysfunction on PD´s. Empirically investigations remain scarce, but the existing findings seem to support that impaired functioning, especially social functioning, is an enduring component of PD?s.

Palabras clave: Disfunción psicosocial, TLP, Trastorno límite de la personalidad


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