Viviana Algar Triginer | Instituciones Sanitarias

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  • Facultativo especialista en Psiquiatria-Irlanda

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs Ireland busca consultants en psiquiatria general. Buscamos facultativos  especializados en abuso de sustancias, trastornos psicóticos, trastornos alimentarios, psiquiatría de la tercera edad y trastornos infanto juveniles... - Como consultant formará parte del equipo de consultants del departamento, y será uno de los máximos responsables , actuando con total autonomía, por debajo tendrá a residentes y médicos...

  • Facultativo especialista en Psiquiatria-Irlanda

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs Irlanda está buscando consultants en  psiquiatria de adultos para puestos permanentes en un MHS en Dublín.  Actualmente, el Hospital aporta servicios generales para adultos y especialistas en abuso de sustancias, trastornos psicóticos, trastornos alimentarios, psiquiatría de la vejez y trastornos del adolescente. -El candidato formará parte del equipo de consultants, y será uno de los máximos responsables...

  • Psiquiatras-Irlanda

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs Irlanda está  médicos especialistas en psiquiatría para varios  MHS en Irlanda Actualmente tenemos estos puestos:(Actualizamos la lista cada mes)  - 2 psiquiatras consultants  con especial interés en  Rehabilitación (adultos) Rocommon. Posición  a largo plazo durante 12 meses o más.  - 2 consultants  en psiquiatría infantil y adolescente en un MHS del sur de Irlanda....

  • Psiquiatras-Irlanda

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs  is working with the HSE SEEKING PSYCHIATRISTS for the MHS in Ireland   Currently we have these positions :(We update the list every month) - 2 Locum consultant psychiatrists with S.I. Rehabilitation  (adults) Galway. long term locum position for 12 months or more. -  2 Locum consultant in Child Adolescent Psychiatry in a MHS in the south of Ireland. Contract for at least 1 year. - Locum consultant psychiatrist in MHS for the west of Ireland...

  • Locum Psychiatrist Ireland

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs  is working with the HSE SEEKING PSYCHIATRISTS for the MHS in Ireland   Currently we have these positions :(We update the list every month) - Locum consultant psychiatry in learning disabilities (adults) in Dublin county. long term locum position for 6 months or more. - Locum consultant in Child Adolescent Psychiatry in a MHS in the south-east of Ireland. Access to transport is essential. Contract for at least 1 year. - Locum consultant psychiatrist in...

  • Locum Consultant Psychiatrists-Ireland

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs is currently seeking Consultant psychiatrists for several Mental Health Services in Ireland : The roles required are: Adult Psychiatrist Child&Adolescent psychiatrist Psychiatrist in Old Age Liaison Psychiatry Psychiatrist in Learning Disabilities Benefits for Consultants in Psychiatry: - Basic gross annual salary for Consultants in Psychiatry goes from €217,235- €261,051 (37 hours week) + on-calls +allowances. Approximate net monthly salary...

  • Locum Psychiatrist Ireland

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Bologna Health Jobs is currently seeking Consultant psychiatrists for  several  Mental Health Services in Ireland   : The roles required are: Adult PsychiatristChild&Adolescent  psychiatristPsychiatrist in Old AgeLiaison Psychiatry Psychiatrist in Learning Disabilities   Benefits for Consultants in Psychiatry: -   Basic gross annual salary for Consultants in Psychiatry goes from €217,235- €261,051 (37 hours...

  • Psiquiatría de Adultos

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    Consultant Vacancies in South Lee Mental Health Services-Ireland   Bologna Health Jobs is looking for consultants in Adult Psychiatry in the South Mental Health Services  :  Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist, South Lee Mental Health Services (S.I. Psychiatry of Old Age) Start Date: Immediate (12 months) Hours (39 hours per week) Specialist Registration essential  Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist, South Lee Mental Health Services  (5 post) Start...

  • Psiquiatras-Irlanda

    Viviana Algar Triginer
    ESPECIALISTAS EN PSIQUIATRÍA    Debido a la expansión de uno de los hospitales más grandes del oeste de Irlanda, estamos buscando doctores con la especialidad en psiquiatría con conocimientos de:   Psiquiatría  Perinatal: desde finales de junio del 23 x2 años  Psiquiatría de adulto en pt y out pt x 2 años  Psiquiatría de adulto en pt y out pt x 1 año mínimo disponible agosto...

  • Bologna Health Jobs

    Bologna Health Jobs (BHJ) IS HIRING an appropriately trained specialist in Child&Adolescent psychiatry in Wexford county in Ireland, not so far from Dublin. For international applicants considering a relocation opportunity, this is a vibrant and thriving area, offering a great place to live and work, with beautiful beaches, restaurants and the sunniest area of the island. The successful candidate will lead a Community Mental Health Team which will be funded to contain the following staff: 1...

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