FIBROMIALGIA: la transformación de un dolor psíquico en un dolor físico

Autor/autores: Susana Lorente
Fecha Publicación:
Área temática: Medicina psicosomática .
Tipo de trabajo:  Comunicación

Psicoanalista de la Escuela de Psicoanálisis Grupo Cero


Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease considered chronic. Officially recognized in 1992, affects most often middle-aged women. It is characterized by continuous and diffuse widespread muscle pain, as well as fatigue, tenderness, sleep disturbances, among others. Symptoms that occur without physical injuries, that can be proved once we make a physical exam and we don’t find any injury or organic limitation.

So far the treatment has been symptomatic: different patterns of analgesics and psychotropic drugs that relieve pain but do not cure the disease. Knowing that the pain and limitations of these patients are functional, psychoanalysis leads us to consider the possibility of unconscious psychic conflicts involved in this disease in order to explain, understand and give the possibility to cure it. Fibromyalgia can be, for example, a form of hysteria.

Palabras clave: fibromialgia, dolor físico, dolor psíquico, psicoanálisis

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